Hope Plantation in Windsor, NC is the restored home of former NC Governor David Stone. The mansion in this pastel was built in 1803.
The holidays are a great time to visit Hope Plantation as the buildings are wonderfully decorated with natural materials such as holly, beeswax, and all sorts of native plants. A few years ago, my wife and I joined part of the decorating team to learn a few things -my wife, Antoinette, working alongside Betsy Overton. I made my way outside and painted this pastel before the sun was completely set.
For those who have never painted in this way I recommend you try it very soon. As an artist invests in a subject and observes it over a brief span of time, it is truly amazing what one sees as the light shifts and fades, comes and goes over different areas --things you would normally miss in the quick movement we generally make in our lives. Working fast helps an artist, and being able to remember what one sees is a great asset as a subject such as this old house and trees will slide into a completely alternate look in just about no time.
When you visit Hope Plantation, stop and view the Hope House across the lawn from the older 1763 King-Bazemore House, where you will find a view like this I painted in 2007